More of a playground than a thread
Yesterday I called my youngest brother for his birthday, and we had a nice long (albeit interrupted by my terrible internet) chat. I asked him what he was learning about in Sunday school and youth group, and he told me they have been talking about knowing the will of God. He told me about the analogy they have been using, that God’s will is a playground, not a path. And I’ve been thinking about that today, because I’ve been thinking about that topic a lot for the last year. About a year ago while talking to a friend, I had a sudden epiphany. Emotions and thoughts crystalized into the startling truth, that I had through my upbringing and my current environment internalized the lie that you get ONE SHOT from which it is impossible to ever get back to God’s best from if you mess it up. I was raised in the second wave of homeschooling, where we were out for excellence. Academic, personal, spiritual. And while excellence is a worthy goal, there was also the message woven through the...