
Showing posts from February, 2019

The beauty of temporary

It’s amazing to me to think that angels look on humans and God’s dealings with them in wonder and awe. Angels. Perfect, eternal, awesome beings, who look at us temporal, imperfect, not awesome people, and marvel. Marvel at the plan of salvation created for us. We don’t know exactly when angels were created, but their very name tells us their purpose—messengers and servants of God. Humans were created as the culmination of God’s physical creation, and we were created for the purpose of having relationship with God, and through conformity to Him not only living our best lives, but also bringing glory to God. God made us not because he needed us, but because He desired relationship. A creation that would be like Him, could relate to Him, and would have the freedom to chose to move beyond situation, instinct, and background, to choose God. Man has a brief lifespan on this earth to find out who God is, why we need Him, and to choose what they will do with this knowledge. And therei...

The gift of time

This is a weird season of life, I'm not gonna lie. I've put a lot of energy into trying to find a job that will pay enough of the bills that I can cover the rest by teaching piano, and in the process have knocked on some weird doors and struggled with fighting off deep waves of inadequacy. On the one hand I'm loving getting to (mostly) loaf about, putter with my creative pursuits, and gulp books. On the other, I'm starting to grow restless and feel that in order to prove I can do something other than hide overseas I must have a job. Plus, I can't wait to have my own domain again--that's a hard thing to give up after 9 years. So, while I splash bits of myself all over East Texas trying to convince people that I'm worth a look and while I wait for the silent phone to ring, I've been trying to ask myself what is God trying to whisper to me through the churning emotions, the quiet days, the drifting feeling of purposelessness. I don't for an insta...