It's time for the next step

As a culmination of three years of constant turmoil, I have just finished announcing publicly and personally to my co-workers, that at the end of this year I will be leaving the little school in the bush that I have spent most of the last decade pouring into. While there is still quite a bit surging through my full, bruised heart, there is for the first time in a long time a core of peace. Absolute peace, because it is absolutely time for me to move on to the next step in the journey of faith I am taking. I don't know what I'd do without that core of peace; it has been missing from my heart for so long, and it is hard to do life without at least one part of you that is at peace. So, I'm learning to rest in that place--some days go better than others, but I know with all my heart that I am doing the right thing, and that God is still the one who leads me.


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